Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kickboxing for Weightloss-Cardio-and Fitness

!±8± Kickboxing for Weightloss-Cardio-and Fitness

Kickboxing has seen an explosion in popularity over the past two decades thanks to the exposure provided by Hollywood (e.g. The Karate Kid) and late night infomercials (Mr. Billy Blanks and the Tae Bo programs). Generally the kickboxer is defined by an image of cut abs, the fitness of a marathon runner, and the balance of mind similar to a Budhist monk.

Who wouldn't want the body of a model and the strength and confidence to defend yourself in any situation? It's easy to see why the sport has become so popularity. Given the fact that a kickboxing class
can be found in about every major gym, its popularity will only continue to increase over the next coming years.

Weight Loss

Like it or not, most people in the US who participate in the sport of kickboxing are not doing so in attempt to protect themselves or to participate in some sort of ego boosting event. With the coordination of over 1,000 fast twitch muscles, kickboxing is one of the top ways to induce weightloss.

The American Heart Association recommends that every person should participate in at least 30 minutes
of semi-intense exercise on a regular basis. Kickboxing often times requires simultaneous movement of arms and lengths and it's this combination of movements that helps to increase metabolism and burn calories well after the workout has completed. Anytime you can get multiple body parts moving, you're increasing your heart rate, burning carlories, and little by little, taking the inches off.


Kicboxing is intense and the heart will begin to race within a few minutes into the workout. While you may
be out of breath for your first few sessions, don't worry, as you keep up with the training your cardiovascular health will increase and you will become less winded each time. This is a great sign; your heart muscle is getting stronger, will beat more effeciently, and you'll lower your risk for a whole host of diseases (heart disease, diabetes).

Woman Kickboxing Classes

Despite the stereotypes that kickboxing is a primarily masculine sport, the number of women taking
cardio kickboxing classes often outnumbers the number of males taking the same classes. Female kickboxing is hip and trendy. No longer arekickboxing lessons just for the boys. Be sure to check to check with your local gym for often times there are classes that are offered specifically for female clientele.


The National Institute of Health recently released a statement that exercise can boost the well being of seniors that may be at risk for losing their independence. While kickboxing probably isn't for Grandma Mimi, it can certainly be utilized by older adults who are worried about the effects of aging. Stability, mobility and diseases such as Osteoporosis are all concerns about advanced aging, but these symtoms can be prevented through multi-joint movement sports such as kickboxing.

Remember, for most people, the multimovement nature of kick boxing is what matters (not the physical agressiveness so many perceive of the sport). You want to get your body moving and keep it moving, and kickboxing classes are a great way to achive that.

Kickboxing Lessons for Self-Defense

In 2005, crime rose for the first time in the United States in over five years. There were over sixteen thousand violent crime victims in 2005. Some may attribute this to complacency towards crime but that doesn't have to be the case.

Kickboxing provides the means for learning to protect your self. But be advised; if you want to learn kickboxing for self defense you want to get the right teacher. Most of the classes taught are taught from
the perspective of improving health and not the protection of you or your loved ones. Make sure that the class you are taking is specifically for self-defense.

Kickboxing for Weightloss-Cardio-and Fitness

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Exercise Gadgets For the Busy Traveler - The Best Exercise Equipment to Pack When You're on the Road

!±8± Exercise Gadgets For the Busy Traveler - The Best Exercise Equipment to Pack When You're on the Road


Here are lightweight, easy to pack exercise gadgets for those who want to travel light but wish to exercise on the road too.

1. Trainers and gym clothes
When traveling you might want to invest in quick dry gym clothes. And these days, there are many gym clothes which look like day wear so you can wear them during casual moments on your business trip as well. That includes black leggings, t-shirts that double as casual day wear and smart trainers.

2. Resistance bands
These are like giant elastic bands. The workout possibilities are endless. For example, you can stand on the band and perform bicep curls, or you can wrap it around a pole for some upright chest presses or upright rows)

3. Water-filled dumbbells
Dumb bells which you fill with water. The great thing is that they are collapsible and light to they are easy to pack. And you can fill it up with as much water as you can handle. Some dumb bells can even be filled up to 16 pounds.

4. Jump rope
Jumping rope may feel like a kid's game, but if boxers are still using skipping ropes after all these years of modern training techniques, you know it's an extremely effective form of exercise and easy to do in your own hotel room.

5. Exercise DVD or podcast
Download a couple of exercise podcast onto your laptop and it is like having a personal trainer! If you can access the internet in your hotel room, you can also workout to a YouTube video. I like the youtube workouts by Tracy Anderson (trainer to Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow) as she keeps things moving with lots of variety. Another recommendation is the Billy Blanks Ab Bootcamp which helps release stress and aggression.

6. Yoga Mat
Again, download a yoga routine from the internet or bring along a yoga DVD for best results.

7. Pedometer
A pedometer is a matchbox-sized device that you clip to your waistband or belt. It senses your movements and counts the number of steps you have taken. Some models only count your steps. Other pedometers often far more sophistication with clocks, timers, calorie estimates, pulse rate readers or information storage. Picking a simple but robust model is perfectly fine. The key is to set goals and keep to them. The recommended step count for beginners is 6,000 but try to work up to 10,000 steps. When you first check into your hotel room, why not take a quick walk around the block. Not only will you get your heartbeat up and stretch out your limbs after a cramped plane or car journey, but you can check out the local sights and get a feel for the people and culture.

8. Energetic, inspiring music
You would be surprised what a difference music can make to the intensity of your exercise routine. No matter what your music tastes, there is nothing like a rousing, hard-pumping music track to get your adrenaline pumping and clear 'all the stuff' out of your mind after a busy day of meetings.

Exercise Gadgets For the Busy Traveler - The Best Exercise Equipment to Pack When You're on the Road

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bodylastics - How to Choose the Right System For Your Bodylastics Workout

!±8± Bodylastics - How to Choose the Right System For Your Bodylastics Workout

In order to choose the right Bodylastics system for your workouts you need to know about what they offer you. Many articles written about Bodylastic are not current or up-to-date. They only talk about the two systems that they used to offer.

Today, Bodylastics offers a third system called the Bodylastics Terrell Owens strong man edition resistance bands.

A Brief Bodylastics History

Bodylastics were designed by Blake Kassel back in 1996. He too was looking for and a home gym but was discouraged with the high cost of the ones available then. It seems not much changes since most home gyms like Bowflex, Total Gym, Bio Force TNT and even Soloflex will cost you several hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

But the Bodylastic system you can get a complete body workout. That means you can exercise your upper and lower body, whether you're a man or woman this home gym will get you the results you want. All you need to do is set aside a few minutes 3 or 4 times a week to get in a body shaping workout.

The Bodylastic system doesn't need much room, unlike many home gyms. This article I will discuss two of the Bodylastic system. The first one is...

Beginners -- Basic Set

Bodylastics system used to come with two sets. Today, there is a third set that I refer to as the advanced home gym. They are the -- Bodylastics Terrell Owens Strong Man Edition Resistance Bands but, more about the T0 bands later.

If you are just beginning exercising or have a very casual attitude towards exercise in general then I would suggest that you start out with the Bodylastics Basic Resistance Set. It offers you 15 combinations. With this system you receive 4 exercise bands, 2 ankle straps, door anchor, 2 foam handles, 2 ankle straps for leg exercises and a user's manual which is really a book.

The bands are color coded so that you will know the different resistance levels and they can easily be stored or transported where ever you want in their own travel bag.

Intermediate -- Max Resistance Set

If you have been working out or exercising for a while and are familiar with resistance training, then perhaps the Bodylastic Max resistance system will be perfect for you. The system includes everything that comes in the basic set but adds in a black resistance band that has a resistance level of almost 25 pounds.

The difference between the basic and the Max resistance that is essentially this one band.

With all the Bodylastics systems you get access to their online video training program called... Strength University. There you will find video tutorials that will explain the proper procedure to perform each of the many exercises.

Of all the resistance band systems on the market today, such as the Billy Blanks, B line resistance bands or even the P90X resistance bands -- in my opinion, Bodylastics bands are the best.

Bodylastics - How to Choose the Right System For Your Bodylastics Workout

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days

!±8± Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days

In this article we are going to take a quick look at incorporating a powerful but hugely important wrinkle into your dietary regimen: Simple but expeditious workouts to lose weight, and make it melt fast! So if you are one of the many who is looking for the perfect companion to your new diet, and are ready to shift gears a bit (no pun intended) conversationally, read on as we explore...

Let me first say this: Gone are the day that exercise was a tedious, time consuming chore to be performed on high school bleachers, and old dusky gymnasiums with rooms filled with spandex wearing prim donnas only interested in the show. Today, exercise is fun, fantastically easy and entertaining, and dare I say, incredibly sexy and effective as well!

Cardiovascular exercise is the quickest way that I know to accentuate and accelerate your new diet. Burning calories by simply getting your body moving is tremendously effective, cleansing and mighty therapeutic in other ways as well. If you are up to it, and are unable to make it to the gym, I recommend any number of the home DVD workouts. Ever try the Billy Blanks series of Tae Bo workouts? They are tremendous! If you are able to incorporate the resistance bands into your workout, it's tough.....but worth it as your arms, legs, chest and shoulders will be sculpted like NEVER before in no time!

How about Yoga? You would be AMAZED at how quickly you can mend your mind, body and spirit through an intense daily Yoga session. Try "Hot Yoga" to turbo charge your fat burning and sweat out all of the knots, stress and mushy spots in a hurry. Truly a transformative practice for the 21st century!

And don't forget about weights either! Studies have shown over and over again that weightlifting can literally turn back the biological clock, and in concert with your fantastically fun and fit dietary regimen, you are looking at a phenomenal NEW you in no time flat. And that is sexy...

Workouts to Lose Weight - Drop 10 Pounds in 20 Days

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

7 Important Cardio Kickboxing Weight Loss Tips For Women

!±8± 7 Important Cardio Kickboxing Weight Loss Tips For Women

One of the biggest fitness workouts for women in the past few years is cardio kickboxing. Fitness and martial arts facilities throughout North America have experienced a significant number of women signing up for these classes. A lot of it can be credited to Billy Blanks and the Tae Bo phenomenon. There are many benefits for women to incorporate cardio kickboxing into their exercise schedule. For many, cardio kickboxing has helped many women lose weight where other programs have failed.

Weight loss for women does not mean they have to stick with the usual mundane exercises such as running on a treadmill. Fitness for women does not have to be the same old boring exercise routine. It's okay for women to bring out the "tiger" in them once in a while. Traditionally women have been taught to be gentle and non-aggressive. This explains the under representation of women in most martial arts schools. While kickboxing is a mainly male dominated sport we are seeing more and more women getting into it as a means to relive stress and lose weight.

First you must find a fitness facility or martial arts school near your area. Some places even have classes in kickboxing and fitness for women only. Once you enroll you should set your mind on a goal in order to maximize your results from the class.

Here are 7 cardio kickboxing tips to help weight loss for women:

1). Take your warm-up seriously. If your instructor wants you to do 100 crunches then try your best to reach that benchmark. If you are unable to reach that that number then that is okay. The great thing about cardio kickboxing is you can stop to take a breather anytime without falling behind the class. However just sitting there and watching the rest of the class because you're lazy is wasting your time. Remember you paid for the class so you mine as well put in the work while you are there.

2). It's important to have fun but make sure you put in the right effort and intensity. Your instructor usually sets the timer for 2 or 3 minute rounds. So make sure you don't play patty cake with the punching bag. Your punches and kicks should be done with full power and intensity to get your heart rate up.

3). Make sure you breathe properly during training. Exhale when you throw your punch or kick, and inhale when you retract your arm or leg. Doing this properly supplies more oxygen to the lungs enabling you to workout more efficiently and longer.

4). When kicking try to kick as high as your flexibility allows. High kicks require more energy to perform then low kicks. As a result you will burn more calories.

5). When working with a partner during drills remember to encourage one another. This is really important especially when you are near the end of the round and fatigue starts to set in. Having your partner encourage you can help push you to get those extra punches or kicks in before the round ends.

6). When purchasing boxing gloves try going with a heavier glove such as a 16oz. The extra weight will fatigue you shoulders quicker then a 10 oz. glove.

7). Try to keep your hands up at all times when you punch and never loop or drop them below your chin. Your punches should go straight out and back to your face. By keeping your hands up you will work and sculpt your shoulders and burn more calories as opposed to dropping your hands to your waist.

So there you have it! Incorporate some cardio kickboxing into your day if you are bored with your regular gym routine or exercise regiment. Kickboxing is one of the most enjoyable workouts you can do and is known to burn the most calories in a hour. It is fun and great for weight loss. For women it can also be a great outlet to let out your frustrations from a stressful day.

7 Important Cardio Kickboxing Weight Loss Tips For Women

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